
Divine Heart Foundation lays emphasis on the contribution in medical research for the growth of an organization and the medical community at large. Therefore, we conduct various primary and secondary researches within our institution.

Department of Clinical Research

Research is mandatory for the progressive growth of any organization to apply up-to-date knowledge in the management of patients, in providing, high-quality healthcare at par with international standards. The main objective of this department is to maintain patients' clinical data and records for the retrospective study.
Various surveys through fieldwork, outpatients department and in-patients department are conducted to collect primary data for research. This data is studied and analyzed for clinical research and paper publication at national and international levels.

Department of Community Service and Training

In association with the Divine Heart Foundation, Divine Heart Hospital & Research Centre conducts various continuing medical education programs along with free camps to create awareness regarding the latest medical advancement in the field of cardiac care. Seminars and workshops are regularly conducted for heart patients so that they understand their hearts better.
The hospital has envisaged that besides epidemiology, which would substantiate the genesis of various heart diseases, a more sincere effort will be made to concentrate on evolving treatment strategies of 15-20% of irreversible heart diseases, which are not amenable to the standard model of therapy.
They either require replacement of heart with the help of a living donor by heart transplantation or replacement with total artificial heart or repair through inducing angiogenesis by the process of stem cells infusion into the damaged heart.

Our endeavor is to reach the remotest areas of our state and make people aware of different kinds of heart ailments through conducting community welfare and free heart care camps. Patients coming to such camps are examined and counseled by an expert team of doctors and advised as per their requirements. Continued Medical Education programs are conducted for the training of physicians and medical experts with the latest offerings in Cardiac Care. Seminars and workshops are conducted within the premises for staff members and outpatients to learn about the basic structure and functions of the heart.